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Download Introductory Chapter of Making Sense on the Dollar
Paying for useless financial planning resources is frustrating so download the Introductory Chapter to get a real sense of the book. If you like what you've read, informationally and because the author's writing style captivates you, we'll set you up with the opportunity to download Chapter One, too!
"Don't buy the car without a driver's license." This is something I've told my oldest daughter for years because she spent so much time trying to figure out what she would be driving that she failed her first attempt at her Driver's License exam!
The Introductory Chapter will give you insight on the quality and style of the book.
Learn what is involved in financial planning!
My daughter didn't have to do much to pass her driver's license exam. She just needed to sit down and do the reading. The Prologue Chapter will give you an opportunity to see if this is the financial planning resource that is going to be the appropriate tool to help you smooth out your road to financial freedom.